Friday, February 15, 2008

Worldwide Leader Getting More Panthery

Nacho: With Brethren back on the east coast, we can resume to our regular blogging schedule. A quick note for all you readers out there:'s coverage of the NFC South, and the Panthers in general, is going to be getting a lot more expansive. About a week ago the Worldwide Leader picked up the Charlotte Observer's Pat Yasinskas.

He's already tearing shit up and giving us lonely Cats fans more than enough fat to chew on as we look towards the abandoned tundra that is the offseason.

Brethren was more acquainted with the man's work so, his better-informed thoughts are after...

Brethren: To me, Pat was always the unsung Colonel of the Charlotte Observer sports staff (which I'm pretty sure makes Ken Tysiac a Staff Stargeant). He was the top beat writer for the Panthers and kept up a pretty good "blog" at on the Cats, but he was overshadowed by the Generals of Tom Sorensen, Scott Fowler, and Commander-in-Chief Ron Green, Sr.

His old blog spot has been taken by a team of the immortal Stan Olson and the slick Chaz Chandler. But as Nacho is indicating, this is about more than the Observer Sports section losing a member of the rank. This is about our Carolina Panthers getting some lurvin by the MSM.

So while the Cats get lots of lurve on this here blog post, expect lots of "hey, you see DeShaun is being shopped around!" and "Travelle Warton could be moving to guard! What are we going to do with this plethora of interior offensive lineman?!" stories coming out urryone's favorite homepage from 2003.

As Nacho put it so eloquently yesterday, good for Pat, "getting called up to the Show." Godspeed, good sire, and don't forget to credit us if you "break" one of our stories.

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